It has been a thrilling start to our school year. Moving into a new, beautiful space has afforded the students of Banaadir Academy many wonderful opportunities. New classrooms, classmates, teachers, and a new playground are just a few of the things our students have been adjusting to this year. In making these adjustments, our students have really begun to live by Banaadir Academy’s Eagle Expectations: We Are Respectful, We Are Responsible, and We Are Safe. Thank you for your support in making this a smooth and successful transition for your students.

One of the most popular places at Banaadir Academy is the playground. Students have a daily 15 minute recess on the playground adjacent to their lunch period. We will continue to have this important time for social and physical development throughout the winter. Please remember to dress your students appropriately for the weather. Outdoor recess will not be cancelled unless actual air temperatures fall below 5 degrees or wind chills fall below 0.

Finally, I want to thank all of the families that made it a priority to meet with teachers during conferences. We had more than 90 parents in the building to meet with staff and become partners in their child’s education. The conversations and connections we are able to make during these times are invaluable to your student’s education. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s education.

Mr. Fondow