February Book Review
By Sundus Hussein


Do you want to read a funny book? Once you start to read Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume, you will laugh your head off!

This story begins with one of the characters, Peter, coming from a birthday party with a prize winning turtle. My favorite part is when one of the characters, Fudge, is at the movie and he gets lost. When they find Fudge, he was trying to pet the bear in the movie! Another favorite part of mine is when Fudge wanted to act like a dog.

If this book is not funny to you, then you could try to read other Judy Blume’s books like Super Fudge and Double Fudge.

Cool Tools Banaadir starts using Cool Tools!

During the first week back at school after winter break, students and teachers reviewed Eagle Expectations for certain school-wide procedures and routines, like entrance/exit/hallway procedures, bus behaviors, bathroom privacy and behavior, cafeteria behavior and playground behavior. Now, we have added a new addition to teaching positive behavior, and they’re called Cool Tools! Cool Tools are school-wide lessons that review how to act all around school and in all types of situations.

The lesson can be a class discussion, poster-making, or role-playing different ways to behave and solve problems. Students will continue to learn what is expected of them and what that looks like. Each week, there will be a new Cool Tool to review. Banaadir students and teachers are ALWAYS looking to
improve student behavior. The Cool Tools will help students earn a referral-free/buddy room free award at the end of the quarter! Be sure to ask your teacher about this week’s Cool Tool!