Mrs. Uzendoski

Bishar M, Mohammed N, Shadia E, Kadar M, Hamza A, Abdirizak Y, Ilyas, Masuud M, and Nafisa A did a great job reading and thinking up questions to ask Mrs. Uzendoski!

What is your favorite hobby?

I really enjoy to bike with my husband on some very scenic trails all over Minnesota and Wisconsin. I also love to play with my granddaughters, go to spinning class, read, watch movies and try to knit!

If you were a super hero, what power would you want to have and why?

Oh my goodness! This is so-o-o hard! There are so many powers to choose from. I would be super excited, however, if I had the power to change stairs into escalators! Also, after hearing Ilyas’ idea, I wanted his super power too—the super power of SPEED! I could get to any place so much faster! And I could say goodbye to traffic!

Did you always want to be a teacher? If not, what would you be?

I always wanted to work with children, but not always as a teacher in a school. I originally studied to work in a city Parks and Recreation Department. However, I love my decision to become a teacher, especially at Banaadir with such amazing students, parents, colleagues and administration!

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I used to work as a paraprofessional in a one-room school house in Nebraska! There was one teacher and one paraprofessional working with 22 children in grades K-8th! What is your favorite sport/game? To play, I love tennis. To watch, I enjoy college basketball and international soccer! And of course, every two years, the Olympics!

What is your favorite movie?

I am a fan of Billy Elliott and its message of never giving up and follow your dreams.

Are you married? Do you have kids?

Yes, I’m married to a very patient man named Mick. We have two grown sons. Mickey edits commercials for clients such as Target and Suburb. Andy is a student at the University of Texas at Austin. He is studying to be a teacher!