“It was fun visiting with Senator Bobby Joe Champion and Senator Jeff Hayden at the Minnesota State Capitol.”

Fourth Grade – Our Field Trip to the Minnesota State Capitol and the Minnesota Historical Society

By Anas Abdulkadir

Our field trip to the Minnesota State Capitol was a lot of fun. We were told by our tour guide that the capitol was completely built for the third time in 1905 with the use of nineteen different types of marble stone. He also told us that the capital’s hallway ceilings were hand decorated with paint. In the rotunda area of the capitol, we met two senators, Bobby Joe Champion and Jeff Hayden. Then we walked to another building across from the capitol where we visited with Raymond Dehn, a member of the House of Representatives. We will always remember our field trip to the Minnesota State Capital.

The second half of our field trip to the Minnesota Historical Society was fun, too. Our tour guide showed us how a grain elevator works and the many types of grains it stores for shipping. He told us the soybeans in the elevator were shipped to factories to make soy milk, soy sauce, and ink. We later toured other areas in the building looking at exhibits representing Minnesota. The Minnesota Historical Society was a great place to visit.

“We had much fun exploring the Minnesota State Capitol!”

The Minnesota State Capitol and the Minnesota Historical Society
By Bushra Hagi
On Friday, January 25th, the fourth grades went on a field trip to the capitol and the History Center.
At the capital we…

  • Went to the Judicial branch of the Capitol.
  • Saw the Minnesota Supreme Court.
  • Looked at a star on the floor (the North star).
  • Saw statues.
  • Saw a winding/floating staircase.
  • Saw the Legislative Branch, where we vote for laws.
  • Voted for the wolf as the state mammal.
  • Visited the House Gallery.

“Our great tour guide gave us information about the history and construction of the Minnesota State Capitol.”

At the History Center we…

  • Went to Grainland- we were piece of corn going through a grain elevator (playground)
  • Dressed like a farmer
  • Used a treadmill-like thing to power a tractor for a farmer
  • Saw WWII weapons
  • Saw an airplane
  • Played in the ice cream store
  • Worked on an assembly line to make missiles

My favorite part was Grainland.