

MTCS Staff Starts Their New Year

August 25th, 2022|

Executive Director, Shawn Fondow welcomed more than 220 returning and new staff to Minnesota Transitions Charter School with its seven programs.  Staff gathered around the beautiful MTS Secondary cafeteria—all together again for the first time since [...]

Soo Dhawoow Soo Noqo!!! | Welcome Back !!!

August 18th, 2022|

Ardayda iyo Qoysaska Banaadiriga! Ku soo noqo sannad-dugsiyeedka 2022 & 2023 - aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay inaan ku hayno! Waxaan wada qaadan doonaa sanad wanaagsan. Gurigaaga Furan wuxuu kuu noqon doonaa fursad weyn oo [...]

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Banaadir North Newsletter Winter 2020

January 16th, 2020|

Many successes are being celebrated here at Banaadir Academy. Before everyone headed off for Winter break, students took the NWEA test in both math and reading. This test shows how much growth each [...]

Banaadir South Newsletter Winter 2020

January 16th, 2020|

Second half of the year is underway at Banaadir South. Students will be taking the Winter Map Assessment in the next couple of weeks. This assessment informs the teachers and students about each [...]

Free First Saturday: Celebrate Somalia!

December 5th, 2019|

Celebrate Somalia and Somali culture with a day of activities for the whole family hosted by the Somali Museum of Minnesota. Learn the traditional art of finger weaving or drop in for story [...]

MTS Secondary and Banaadir Academy Summer Adventures

December 3rd, 2019|

Exciting opportunities can happen when students have the benefit of a big school system, like Minnesota Transitions Charter School, while going to school in a small, personalized school. One of these opportunities [...]