

No Cost Student Opportunity: SMSC Dakota Language Bowl

April 26th, 2023|

Dakota Iapi Akiciyapi When: May 20th | 9AM-5PM Where: Hocokata Ti, 2300 Tiwahe Circle, Shakopee, MN *Transportation and hotel registration for students can be arranged. Please contact Coya Night Pipe - to get [...]

No Cost Student Opportunity: Scrubs Camp

April 26th, 2023|

Scrubs Camps are a way for high-school students to get first-hand experience with a career in Healthcare.Indigenous Healthcare Career Exploration CampJune 21-23, 2023Apply Now!Hosted by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (Cloquet, MN)Students attending [...]

News Signup

Soo Dhawoow Soo Noqo!!! | Welcome Back !!!

August 18th, 2022|

Ardayda iyo Qoysaska Banaadiriga! Ku soo noqo sannad-dugsiyeedka 2022 & 2023 - aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay inaan ku hayno! Waxaan wada qaadan doonaa sanad wanaagsan. Gurigaaga Furan wuxuu kuu noqon doonaa fursad weyn [...]

Salaan! | Greetings!

June 20th, 2022|

Aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay fursadda aan ugu biiray Jaaliyadda Minnesota Transitions Charter School Community anigoo maamule ka noqonaya Akademiyada Banaadir. Waxaan la leeyahay MTCS taariikh dheer, anigoo u adeegaya sidii Xubin Guddiga MTCS laga [...]

Celebrating Juneteenth, FREEDOM DAY!

June 16th, 2022|

Juneteenth is an important day in our shared US history—a day of recognition of the end of slavery and a day where to come together in community. As a school, MTCS is committed [...]

Banaadir Academy Graduation

June 14th, 2022|

Banaadir Academy celebrated its first ever graduation class in 2022!  After becoming a K-12 program, students proudly took to the stage while dozens and dozens of friends and family cheered them on their academic [...]

Covid Update (Banaadir Academy): 05/31/2022

May 31st, 2022|

Dear Parents / Guardians, We have been notified of additional lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a few members of the Banaadir Academy school community with the exposure dates of 05/23/22 - 05/27/22. For [...]