Even though there is still snow on the ground, we are heading into the stretch drive of the school year. Banaadir has just finished spring conferences. Conferences are a very important time for you to meet with your child’s teacher and develop necessary home to school partnerships. Our staff is making every effort to meet with every single one of their student’s parents. If you missed conferences, you should be expecting a phone call from your child’s teacher soon.

It is also time to start thinking about school choices for next year. As current Banaadir Academy families, your students have an exclusive enrollment period from March 1-March 31. All families planning to return to, or enrolling siblings not currently attending, Banaadir Academy for the 2013-2014 school year must submit registration information before March 31. Beginning April 1, enrollment will open to all families. Classes that are full will be filed by lottery on May 2. All students not selected during the lottery will be placed on a waiting list. It is important to know that we currently have a waiting list in four grade levels.

Thank you for your continued support of the students at Banaadir Academy and we are all looking forward to meeting with you over the next couple of weeks.

Mr. Fondow