For one week, Ms. Javitch and Mrs. Uzendoski combined their power hour groups into “Super Power Hour”! After the students listened to Margaret Wise Brown’s The Important Book, they thought about how the author wrote her book. She used words in a pattern, starting and ending the poem with the same sentence. We liked how Ms. Brown wrote so we tried writing like her. Make sure you look at the bulletin board by the cafeteria to read their poems!

Limerick Fun

By Mrs. Uzendoski’s Power Hour

Do you know what a limerick is?

Mrs. Uzendoski’s Power Hour Class does! We have been reading and laughing about these funny five-lined poems! In fact, we have been enjoying reading limericks so much, we decided to write one ourselves!

There Once Was a Spring That Had Snow
Written by: Abdijabar Mohamed, Abdinasir Mohamed, Abdirizak Yaqub, Bishar Mohumed, Masuud Mohamed,
Mohammed Nasir, Rahmo Abdi, Salma Awil, Shadia Essa and Shirin Omar

There once was a spring that had snow.
Will the flowers and grass ever grow?
The sky is so gray.
Will we ever see May?
Oh No! There’s even more snow!