Where Are We Now: P.E.A.S.E. AlumniAfter spending 1 year in Public High School, I needed to find a safe space that was supportive and healthy. I had the pleasure of attending P.E.A.S.E Academy for 3 school years and graduating. P.E.A.S.E provided the foundation for me to be much more successful in school and in life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making good choices, and being committed to better yourself is the place to start.

What P.EA.S.E does, is they empower you for what’s next. After you made a choice you need to take action. One of the most important lessons I learned attending P.EA.S.E was “You get out, what you put in”. Today, I am happily married, I have 2 beautiful children, I own a home, and have a corporate job that I would consider part of a successful career. Thank you, P.E.A.S.E for all that you have done for me and for the students that have attended after me!

– Former student, class of 2001