

MTS Secondary Fall Camping

September 27th, 2023|

YMCA Camp Menogyn hosted an adventurous group of MTS Secondary students and staff for the annual fall camping experience. Ms. Albin, MTS Secondary art teacher, organized seasonal adventures for students several years ago and the [...]

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E-learning day for Powell Leadership Academy

January 11th, 2023|

MTCS schools are in E-learning today, Wednesday, January 11, due to extreme and unsafe conditions on the roads, and that Minneapolis transit buses are not running at this time.  There will be no school in [...]

MTCS Podcast: You Matter Here

December 9th, 2022|

Welcome to You Matter Here, the Minnesota Transitions Charter School Podcast where we elevate the voices of our people, dig deeper into our big ideas and explore how we show up for ourselves and [...]

MTCS Board of Directors Newsletter: November, 2022

November 18th, 2022|

Greetings! The Board of Directors recently hosted the 2022 Annual Meeting in October, and we hope you had the opportunity to participate.  It was wonderful to see more than two hundred people gathered [...]

Support MTS Secondary

November 16th, 2022|

Take a moment to watch an amazing video that highlights MTS Secondary,  with a look at the past and a forward gaze towards the amazing things we are asking your partnership to help bring [...]