The Twin Cities is a community in need of learning and healing around issues of race, equity and privilege. As a school working in this community with a majority of students of color, MTCS is committed to discussions and practices to make a healthier and more equitable world for us all—with students and families having access to the resources and opportunities to build a meaningful, intentional life.

MTCS started a book study to create space to explore and discuss ideas to integrate equitable practices throughout the MTCS District in an even deeper way and engage to learn, study and support each other and our students.

The book study is available to all. During the past 3 months the MTCS leadership team read and processed together Bettina Love’s thought provoking and mind opening book, We want to Do More Than Survive. It was a powerful experience.

The flyer for the upcoming book study is below:

  • April 6 at 4:30pm: Caste: The Origins of our Discontent, by Isabel Wilkerson
  • April 8 at 1:00 pm: Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy, by Rachel Ricketts

Equity, history, diversity are topics woven throughout MTCS. The book study is one way we are committed to continuous learning with this goal: everything we do ties back to what is best for students.

MTCS has a strong commitment to equity and inclusion. It’s who we are and how we began as a charter school twenty-five years ago: to offer flexible, better choices to students so they succeed in school and in life.

Since our beginning 25 years ago our commitment has grown.

The MTCS Department of Equity and Diversity and its committee permeates every aspect of our school’s leadership and decisions. We are unequivocally dedicated to eliminating barriers and dismantling systems of oppression wherever they are found.

By investing in student practices like restorative justice circles, the knowledge and commitment of staff with trauma informed practices training, culturally proficient learning and training—we are investing in a new way of being. This kind of education and sensitivity leads to a more equitable and positive culture in our schools and in our world.

We believe it is our personal and professional responsibility to do the inside-out work required to learn, un-learn, re-organize our thinking and work towards collective and universal freedom. Join us as we study these books.