Exciting reading & football playing visitors at MTS Elementary!
MN Gophers visit MTS Kindergarten

It’s not every kindergarten class that gets to read stories with the Minnesota Gophers. But MTS kindergartners did!

MTS Elementary had a competition to raise Box Tops for Education. Each class collected Box Tops and turned them in. Completed sheets earned you yards on our football field, and 5 sheets equaled a touchdown. The kindergarten scored the most touchdowns — 17 of them.

The prize was a visit from the Gopher football players. We were lucky to have them come on a Friday. The Gopher players read a great story to the kindergarten class followed by all the students going outside to play football. Both athletes and students had a lot of fun. The Gophers who visited were Jamel Harbison, Harold Legania, Roland Johnson and Jordan Hinojosa.

Thank you, Minnesota Gophers!