In MTS High school English, Mr. Jorgensen assigned students a one page essay called “I am what I am” –to practice voice, and share things about themselves.

There were a few instructions for the essay: “I am what I am” must stand alone as the opening line, and that same line must lead each paragraph and appear once in the body of the paragraph, as well as appearing just prior to the clincher and final paragraph.

Mr. Jorgensen wrote his own essay about his life as an example, below. Student pieces will be featured here in Student Voices in the upcoming days. Mr. Jorgensen also challenged other MTS teachers to write an essay using the same essay instructions—some of those will also appear in the MTS High school blog.

I am what I am.
I am what I am., I am a bald man who isn’t even 30 yet. I am the son of Yvette and Richard. I am an older brother and a world-class cat-daddy. I am American, but my mom is from Colombia — so, I am Colombian, but I am American. More specifically I am Minnesotan, or even more specifically I am Minnetonkan. I come from a place called Mound, Minnesota, population less than 10,000. My high school is on a dirt road — with rusty trucks, snowmobiles, BMWS and Jaguars in the parking lot. Definitely an interesting place to grow up. I am what I am. I am a “lake-lover”. First I dated Minnetonka, then Superior, then Harriet and Calhoun, now Nokomis and I are going steady and this summer will be our two-year anniversary. I am what I am. I am patient, quick-witted, and detail-oriented. I am in love, and have been for over six years, her name is Jen. She is the “mac” to my “aroni”, and she is a world class cat-parent too.

I am what I am. I am a writer and a reader. I am a listener and a story-teller. I watch movies and play League of Legends. I pet my cat. I cuddle with my cat. I play with my cat. Her name is Harper. I am what I am. I am bad at following directions but I am good at remembering things. I am full of useless trivia — people often tell me I would be their “phone a friend” lifeline on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” I am what I am. I over-think. I procrastinate, sometimes. I am thankful for erasers on pencils because sometimes I make mistakes. I am what I am. I am a nail-biter. I hate liars and cheaters. I like being on time and loathe being late. Sometimes I am a perfectionist, other times I know how to relax and just “let it be”. I am an eavesdropper, I learned from the best. Thanks Mom.

I am what I am. I am a teacher, student, and lifelong learner. I am the spirit of Salinger, Silverstein, Silko, and Plath. I am the mouthpiece of Hemingway, Cobain, and Mathers. I am a teacher who teaches his students to speak their truths and use their brains. I am sorry that I have high expectations for all and I am not sorry at the same time. I am the instructor and the decision-maker. I believe in my students and I believe in due dates and being on time and being prepared — but, I also know that we all make mistakes — I believe in owning up to our bad habits and our poor choices. I am what I am. I am a student’s loudest cheerleader or the person who will let you know that I see you slacking and that it is up to you to change. I believe in integrity and I expect my students to have some. I am what I am. I am what I am and I can’t change it so I do my best every day to enjoy it.

I am what I am. I am your English teacher, mentor, and an adult you can talk to. Accept it, or it will be a long year.

-Blake Jorgensen, English Teacher