Minnesota Transitions Charter School’s Annual Meeting is at OUR school on Thursday, February 25th. It begins at 5:00 and will include a variety of events:
The Science Guy performs @ 5:30
5¢ Book Sale of used books
Hat & Mitten Give-away
$20 Gift Certificates: door prizes
Voting for School Board Members
Superintendent address to parents and staff @ 6:30
Dinner served from 5:00- 6:15
All are welcome to come.

~No School~
Friday February 12th ~Staff Development
Monday, February 15th~President’s Day

We all have concerns about exposing our children to measles, flu, whooping cough and even the common cold. In an effort to protect all students, please keep your child at home if they have either a temperature or have vomited.

In the school, teachers are cleaning off the desks and tables to maintain the health of our students. Please call the office if your child will be absent: 612-729-9140. Thank you for your help.

100th day @ School
The 100th day of school is February 9th;
This is a very significant day for our Kindergartners. All day they will be using the number 100. Reading about 100, counting 100 things and showing the other classes how much 100 really means. Kindergarten gives great importance to 100 because this is the beginning of their school experience. They have been in school for 100 days!
As a school, we celebrate with them all day long. It is an important step for our kindergartners and we want them to feel special about this accomplishment.

Box Tops
When students bring Box Tops to school we receive money we use in the school for supplies, like recess equipment and basketballs. This year’s goal is $400.00. We have earned $152.10 so far. Thank you to all that have contributed to Box Tops, so far, this year. We will still be collecting Box Tops until the last day of school.

OUR School Rules:
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible