And by move, we really mean move: dancing and yoga, because healthy, active bodies lead to learning minds.

MTS Elementary brought in two new programs this spring session to reach students in new and exciting ways, and also to build community between students, staff and students and to have some fun.  Both programs are doing much to encourage students to use their bodies and minds in new and powerful ways.

This week’s feature is on Dance, and next week we’ll feature the Yoga program next week.

Heart of the Dance, for MTS Elementary Fifth Graders

Heart of the Dance is a Twin Cities dance organization that teaches ballroom dancing to young people.  Not only do students learn wonderful dances, like the Rumba, Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Tango and more—they also learn some other important things that have an important impact in the classroom and in students’ lives everywhere they go.

Heart of the Dance at MTS Elementary is a twelve week program for fifth graders.  New York-trained teaching artists come to the school twice a week and teach students (and staff) dance.  While students learn to dance, this program builds important things that can be hard to directly teach, but have a long life-impacting effect, like:  how to treat each other with respect, inner strength and power, teamwork, confidence, coordination, memory, and many other positive things.

And if that wasn’t good enough, the program may also reach way beyond the dance practice into the halls, classrooms and homes of our students.  School testimonials from past participants describe significant positive change in how their children felt about themselves and each other after this program.

MTS Elementary is building well-rounded scholars and this is one of the ways we do it.  Interested in learning more about our K-6th grade Elementary school?  Contact the school at 612.729-9140  and we can share what the school is all about and arrange a tour.