MTS has been up to “dramatic” things. In early February the students of Ms.Kunz’s drama class went on a field trip to a play titled Calvin Berger. Then in late February a good handful of students and some staff went on a field trip went to the Penumbra Theatre to watch a play called By The Way Meet Vera Starks for black history month.

Calvin Berger is a play about a boy who was insecure about his nose. It was based on real high school problems and ways to deal with it. The characters were relatable and the acting was very good. The actors made us feel like we were apart of the show by handing out flyers to the crowd and interacting with us. For this play to have only four actors was phenomenal. There was one actress who looked a lot like Ms. Juntunen. The character she played acted a lot like Ms. Juntunen, too, and we laughed the entire play.

By The Way Meet Vera Starks is a powerful play. It’s heavy with examples of personal strength and looks into a society that requires (but doesn’t reward) these strengths. The heaviness is balanced with good humor that helps the story meet the audience members where they are. But, the end of the play was very unnecessary. The TV show it made the play too long.

In conclusion both of these play were absolutely upstanding. Both of these plays have a lot of good similarities they both show how the main actors go through a struggles and the ways they find their path out of these personal struggles. As a final point, I highly recommend these plays to all MTS students, dramatic or not.

Written By: Alex