One of the best days at MTS Elementary is the day they celebrate Reading Under the Stars.

Enter: magic.

The school’s gym is transformed into a summer night under the stars. Colorful tents are loaded with cozy pillows, blankets and flashlights. The lights are off except for the twinkling string lights hanging about, that do look a lot like stars. A small campfire with bean bag chairs is in the middle of the scene. And an added touch to the dark summer night under the stars, is the sound of crickets. You almost forget the snow outside.

You can hear the gasp as the children enter with their favorite book. The gym has been transformed. They can choose where they want to read. It didn’t take long for the quiet to settle in, as grade by grade, students came in throughout the day for their reading time—transported to the place of their story.

If you want to get a sense of the magic and mystery of the experience of Reading Under the Stars, take a look at the beautiful bookmark each child received. The bookmark is a special watercolor and iPad design made by staff member Ms. Amanda and student, Sherena.