P.E.A.S.E. Academy - Helping Students Stay Sober and Succeed

This spring, P.E.A.S.E. Academy celebrated the many gifts of its students during an evening talent extravaganza. Fellow students, family members, friends, and community members filled tables, a delicious taco dinner was served and folks settled in to be entertained and inspired.

P.E.A.S.E. Academy, the nation’s oldest recovery school is a place for healing and dealing with the challenges addiction and substance use can create in a life. P.E.A.S.E. is a place where students can focus on recovery and getting life on a new path of their making.

The community is so supportive and the talent show is a chance for staff and students to share themselves and all their creative expression and humor.

Along with beautiful poetry, music, skits and comedy, P.E.A.S.E. Chemical Dependency Counselor shared a poem he wrote about the school and its students that really sums up why P.E.A.S.E. means so much to the people who are part of its community and highlights its transforming power.

Thank you, Mr. Brown.

P.E.A.S.E. In A Pod

They go from class to class,

They are like Peas in a Pod…..

Say the Serenity prayer……….

but we’re a School.

so Don’t use the word God

They travel long distances

Catch more than one Bus….

Horse Play in the Hallways,

are waaay too loud…and yeah, sometimes they cuss

And, I stand tall, so very very Proud of them….

Now, let me tell you why.

Many people know the definition

of the word courage, but I can see it,

in their eyes

all welled up with tears, trying not to blink,

‘cause they don’t want to Cry.

But they do……and I just move the Kleenex

box closer, and they keep showing up…..

And they keep growing up.

Laughter is just something

They’re just stealing

‘Cause they’re dealing, with the difficult part…..

The Healing…all the while trying

Hard to avoid those particular feelings.

The ones they been carrying around…

Since waaay back when.

They’re sooo Brave, like you don’t even know

Confused and lost sometimes,

Don’t know which way to go.

Ya see it’s not the Scars on the Wrists and Arms

From all the Self Harms…..it’s the ones on the inside

Like great big Kettle Bells…of different sizes

With plenty of Surprises, Still……..from the hands

They were delt.

I am so Proud of them!! Determined and driven

Sometimes Absent, and sometimes tardy…

But…..eh, that’s a given.

They juss wanna get their GPA’s up, Graduate…..

Get from Science to Math,

While over coming the invisible hurdles,

…..of their past.

Then they help each other up

I know the peas in this Pod are tight…..

And that’s what’s up