In a wave of celebrations across the Minnesota Transitions Charter School District, Kindergartners, 4thGraders, 6th Graders, 8th Graders and our High School Seniors took a big step into their futures, in community.  Family, friends, staff and fellow students cheered them on.

The celebrations mark a lot of growth, learning, talent development and wisdom that will serve students well as they move to the next grade, college, work and life.  Here’s a peek at some of the  moments we shared together these past days.

Minnesota Virtual Schools Graduation

Minnesota Virtual Schools celebrated seventy-five graduates in 2023, graduates from all over the state of Minnesota, many of whom were in-person for the graduation celebration along with friends and family.

Abigail, one of the student speakers, summed up why MNVS worked so well for her, “It was a new experience and offered an opportunity to work smarter, not harder.”  And it gave her a new adventure and a fresh start.

Deston, another student speaker who was a leader in the Esports program shared about MNVS, “It fit my life very well.  I knew what was expected of me and it brought back my faith in counselors and teachers.”

P.E.A.S.E. Academy Graduation

The P.E.A.S.E. graduation launched the MTCS graduation season.  Dr. Martin-Kerr began her commencement address in dance, shared wisdom with the graduates and then finished dancing to “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now.”

Part of what makes the P.E.A.S.E. graduation experience so special is that each graduate is celebrated by a staff person who shares a symbolic gift with the student to remind them of their strength and success.  Following this, each student shares a few words about their journey and thanking friends and family for supporting through their recovery and school success.  It’s a very moving ceremony.

MTS K-12 Celebrations and Graduation

MTS Secondary Graduation

A festive crowd filled the room for MTS Secondary Graduation.  Mr. Gharrity emceed and spoke to the 2023 graduates.  “Being the best isn’t enough—be the only. Be a beacon of kindness.”

Four student speakers shared thoughts and experiences, including emotionally thanking parents for supporting their journey through high school.

Your journey is just beginning.  Believe in yourself and in your abilities.

MTS Secondary Eighth Grade Celebration

With family members cheering them on, MTS Secondary Eighth Graders celebrated their move to High School in the 2023 and 2024 school year!  Congratulations and wishes of much success!

MTS Elementary

MTS Elementary celebrated their Kindergartners and their 6th Graders this year.  Family and friends gathered in the cafeteria. Students performed a great song about growing up and changing.

The Kindergartners made and shared congratulations cards for the Sixth graders.  Sixth graders wrote advice to the kindergartners, things like not talking badly about fellow students, and being kind to others.

Banaadir K-12 Celebrations and Graduation

Banaadir Academy Graduation

Banaadir Academy Graduation celebrations began with a celebratory tour through the two campuses. The graduates, in full cap and gown, with Pomp & Circumstance playing as they walked the halls  with walked the halls and were high-fived by their classmates throughout both buildings, “It’s the graduation song!” an excited under-classman yelled.

At Banaadir Elementary, the 4th Graders who will be moving to Banaadir Academy in the fall, got to ask the graduates questions about what it was like to be a Senior and other questions like what they were excited for in their future, and what did they want to do with their careers.  The Seniors seemed a little bit like rockstars and gave great advice to the 4th Graders like, “Work hard now, stay with it and 12th grade will be easier!”  Or, “As long as you’re nice to your teachers, pay attention in class and do your work, you’ll be good!”

The graduates celebrated their big day with family and friends, Dr. Hassan shared with them, “Make a positive impact on the future.”

One of the student speakers shared, “The more you fail, the more prepared you will be for life’s challenges.”  Another speaker thanked her wonderful teachers for helping her overcome barriers during school.

Banaadir Academy 8th Grade Celebration

With family members cheering them on, Banaadir Eighth Graders celebrated their move to High School in the 2023 and 2024 school year!  Congratulations and wishes of much success!

Banaadir Elementary Kindergarten and 4th Grade Celebrations

A festive group of students, staff and families filled Banaadir Elementary’s gym as they celebrated their Kindergartners and Fourth Graders move to a new grade.  Songs and words of success filled the day.