Minnesota Transitions Charter School values all students and upholds a strong commitment to preventing bullying of all kinds.  Bullying Prevention Month is a way to highlight ways we can work together to create a safe and accepting environment for all students and share the many ways as a community we can support and uphold each other.  


We have zero tolerance for bulling and a dedication to restorative practice—believing when people know and understand each other, hear how fellow students and staff feel—community is built and compassion is grown.


The Pacer Center originally launched the Bullying Prevention campaign, their tagline: Together against bulling.  United for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.   In this spirit we will share ways that we can begin to change our world, right here in MTCS, for the good, so all students have a community that supports and watches out for them.

As a district, we will celebrate Unity Day on October 19, to raise awareness and attention about what we can do when we come together to make a safe space for us all.  And we will work together 365 days a year to keep students safe, seen and thriving—a place where everyone can belong and be their true self.  

  1. What can you do to help someone, or get help?

    If you can stand up and support someone who is being bullied, and get the help of a trusted adult—this is a good strategy.  But sometimes in the moment it’s hard to stand up and out for what you see happening around you.  MTCS has an anonymous tip line where you can share concerns or things you know.  The anonymous phone number to call is 612-235-5776 or you can fill out this safe school form on our website at https://mtcs.org/safe-school-reporting/.  We are grateful for your care.

  2. Cyberbullying

    Bullying isn’t just face-to-face.  An all too common way to bullying peers is from a screen.  Things posted on social media like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook can be very hurtful to others.  If you see something hurtful or inappropriate about a classmate or teacher online, please let adults at the school know.  This kind of bullying can spread so fast and be so hurtful. 

  1. No one deserves to be bullied!

    If you are being bullied it is NOT your fault. You deserve to feel safe at school—get help.  Staff at MTCS are here to help you. Don’t keep bullying to yourself.  Tell someone, a friend, a trusted adult—report it! No matter how bad you feel, hurting yourself or thinking about suicide is NOT the answer.  Nothing is that bad.  There is always help.  Please talk with an adult.  We care about you.


    I commit to …
    Speak up when I see bullying
    Treat others with kindness
    Tell someone I trust if I am being bullied
    Be positive and helpful
    Help keep our school safe
    Do you have ideas? Please share them.