On June 17, President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law, making a federal holiday on this day. We are recognizing, commemorating and celebrating the equality and freedom of all people, for the first time as an entire nation.

Though the end of slavery was proclaimed in 1862, it was not until June 19, 1865, that the word reached slaves in Texas. Finally the news of the freedom of all slaves anywhere in the United States, made its way across the nation. This has been a date of celebration—Juneteenth—since that time, and has grown into festivals and commemorative events all around the country.

As a nation in healing, nationally celebrating Juneteenth is an important step in not only recognizing our past, but as a day where we can all come together in celebration of one another, in all our beautiful differences—it’s part of what makes us stronger and better.

MTCS has always been very involved in Juneteenth events around our city, and we are committed to offering great and equitable education for students with opportunities to thrive and reach their dreams.

Enjoy Juneteenth and MTCS hopes you have an opportunity to celebrate freedom, and recommit to all the work and healing to come.