Right before spring break the annual Banaadir basketball event took place—a face-off between Banaadir students and staff.  “We don’t hold back!” said Director, Shawn Fondow.

The energy, enthusiasm and sheer joy was visible (and deafening).  Whether staff of students scored, a thrilling cheer blew from the stands.  Students high-fived and could hardly sit still.  Everyone was laughing.  Even a number of parents came to watch this event.

In the end, the staff won—but there were plenty of great plays and points by the students.  It was a perfect way to head into spring vacation.

And most important was the genuine community atmosphere of this event.  Students got to watch their teachers and leaders in full play, students worked together, the entire school came together and had fun.  This is one of the ways Banaadir Academy offers students and families a real community to be part of.

Banaadir students play Banaadir staff in Basketball
Banaadir students play Banaadir staff in Basketball
Banaadir students play Banaadir staff in Basketball