

Covid-19 Update: 4/13/2022

April 13th, 2022|

Dear Parents / Guardians, We have been notified of a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 in a member of the MTS Elementary school community with the exposure date of 04/11/22 - 04/13/22. For privacy reasons, [...]

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Banaadir students play Banaadir staff in Basketball

April 9th, 2018|

Right before spring break the annual Banaadir basketball event took place—a face-off between Banaadir students and staff.  “We don’t hold back!” said Director, Shawn Fondow. The energy, enthusiasm and sheer joy was visible [...]

MTCS Has a NEW Superintendent

March 23rd, 2018|

It is with great pleasure to announce Brian Erlandson has accepted our offer to be the next Superintendent of Minnesota Transitions Charter School. The Board voted last night to accept the terms of his [...]