April is Drop Everything and Read month, and reading is taking some creative twists and turns in 2020.

Stories are coming from some amazing places and people. Authors are reading their stories, famous people are reading online for families to listen, and so much more. I want to share with you one teacher’s special connection that showed her students that she really cared about them.

During Distance Learning, teachers are getting creative to keep students interested and engaged in school. One clever teacher at Banaadir South had an idea to engage and surprise her students. Ms. Cromwell, a Third grade teacher, saw a police officer from her hometown reading to students. She reached out to him and asked if she could use the video for her class. He sent her the video, she uploaded it to her google classroom and told her students that she reached out to this police officer, just for them.

One of her students, in complete joy and surprise, said, “You reached out to this cop for us? You must really love us!”

Learning is happening in wonderful ways, with connections will last a lifetime.