
Student Spotlight

May 13th, 2024|

My name is Kylie and I am a 9th grader at P.E.A.S.E. I started at P.E.A.S.E. in November of this year. When I got out of treatment I went back to my old [...]

The P.E.A.S.E. Community Talents

April 23rd, 2024|

This spring, P.E.A.S.E. Academy celebrated the many gifts of its students during an evening talent extravaganza. Fellow students, family members, friends, and community members filled tables, a delicious taco dinner was served and [...]

News Signup

Sharing and advocating on behalf of recovery schools

February 29th, 2024|

P.E.A.S.E. Academy Director, Michael Durchslag and student, Lucy went to the Minnesota State Legislature, and  shared their story and the need for increased funding to MN recovery schools. It was a compelling and important [...]

Welcome new MTCS Board of Directors!

December 7th, 2023|

The November MTCS Board meeting marked the official placement of the candidates elected in the 2023 election. We are thrilled with the level of representation of our programs on the board  and the immediate [...]

Native American Heritage Experience in Drum and Dance

November 21st, 2023|

MTCS is thrilled to celebrate and honor the gifts, talents and unique traditions of Native Americans. MTCS has a vibrant and expanding Indigenous Education Program that supports Native American students in all of our [...]

Superintendent Spotlight: November 2023

November 3rd, 2023|

11/3/23 Good morning team MTCS! I want to wish you all a happy Friday and congratulate you on a successful first quarter of the school year. From August 16th [...]

P.E.A.S.E. Pancake Fundraiser 2023

September 26th, 2023|

Being at P.E.A.S.E. Academy, for what Director Michael Durchslag calls, “the best mediocre pancakes in town,” was the place to be Saturday morning. The crowded cafeteria was filled with current students, alumni, parents, [...]

Join Michael Durchslag for the White House Recovery Month Summit

September 19th, 2023|

P.E.A.S.E. Academy Director, Michael Durchslag joins a panel discussion at a White House hosted event on Wednesday, September 20th at 1 PM ET.  September is National Recovery Month and the event will focus on the [...]

2023 Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Elections

September 19th, 2023|

Teachers, parents and community members are invited to run for the MTCS Board of Directors. This year there are 3 open seats. This is a real opportunity to support the programs and [...]