Where Are We Now: P.E.A.S.E. Alumni Holly Lorenz PicHello! My name is Holly Lorenz and I attended P.E.A.S.E. Academy from 2012-2013. It was by far my favorite school I have ever attended. Where am I now? I am currently a student at Century College, I’ve been taking 1-2 courses a semester to ensure I get a good grades and it also makes it easier to afford.

I attempted to go to college full time right after graduation and I failed miserably because I was more focused on paying bills. I am majoring in Addiction Counseling and hope to maybe open up my own recovery school someday, just like P.E.A.S.E. Academy. I do my school work completely online so I can still work my two jobs during the daytime. I’ve been a server at King’s City restaurant for 11 years and a server at Applebee’s for 6 years and I love my jobs!

My social life is almost non-existent due to COVID-19 and it’s been very hard, but work and school have been keeping me very busy! I currently have a 3.45 GPA.