

A Special Visit from Lieutenant General Gervais

September 14th, 2023|

The General Colin L. Powell Leadership Academy staff and students welcomed United States Army Lieutenant Governor Gervais to the leadership room to share thoughts about her career and service, as well as answer student [...]

Special visitor, Deputy Commissioner Graff, visits MTCS

September 7th, 2023|

Back to school!  What an exciting week around the MTCS District—staff and students getting to know each other and exploring what is possible this new school year.And a special thank you to MN Department of Education's [...]

News Signup

MTCS Board of Directors Newsletter: November, 2022

November 18th, 2022|

Greetings! The Board of Directors recently hosted the 2022 Annual Meeting in October, and we hope you had the opportunity to participate.  It was wonderful to see more than two hundred people gathered in [...]

Support MTS Secondary

November 16th, 2022|

Take a moment to watch an amazing video that highlights MTS Secondary,  with a look at the past and a forward gaze towards the amazing things we are asking your partnership to help bring to [...]

Family Financial Aid Night

November 7th, 2022|

Please join us to hear from an expert about financial aid and the college application process. Jesus will be our guest speaker to talk with families about the importance of finding the best post-secondary [...]

Hello Adventurers! Dungeons & Dragons Club

October 11th, 2022|

Hello adventurers! Last year, students at Minnesota Virtual asked to have a teacher lead a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for them and Mr. Niesen accepted the challenge.  This turned into 15 students playing multiple [...]