Sheila Casey is accustomed to wearing at least two hats, not only is she director of MTS Elementary School but the chair of the board governing the Minnesota Transitions Charter School.  The board’s eight members are responsible for setting school policies and ensuring that requirements are met and that students are well served. Casey has been at MTS for a decade, first teaching at the high school and then moving to the leadership post at MTS Elementary.  She has served on the board for some eight years, and this is her second tour as chair.

Encouraging those who might be interested to put their names forward as board candidates, Casey said they desire people with differing backgrounds and careers to help enlarge the board’s perspective.  Parents are currently a priority, as there is an opening.

“We try to take a holistic approach to our board duties,” said Casey.  She says the qualities desired in board candidates are that they “be thoughtful, and good listeners.”
Chair Casey says the board has an important agenda, to keep the district schools on mission, to expand the population base and to be fiscally accountable.