Yesterday’s conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd was truly an important and historic moment. We understand how much this trial has impacted the lives of our students, families and staff. Students, we want you to know you are loved, you are important, you belong, and we are proud to serve you as a member of the MTCS community and student at MN Virtual Schools.
We also know that the results of this trial will impact people individually in their own way, and each of our stakeholders should know that we encourage you to try to take care of yourself, offer yourself and your loved ones the grace and patience to process and reflect on how we can best move forward as a community. Also, please know that our staff and resources are here to offer our support, encouragement, and flexibility that you may need right now. We’re here to listen, encourage, and offer the love and community that gives strength when we need it most. 
We would also offer these resources for supporting each other and our young ones, should you need them: